80 Miles

It’s the last day of March and I’m at the end of week 3 in my Half Marathon training having hit a minor milestone. I ran 80 miles this month, and would have to go back to September 2017 to find a month with higher mileage (125 miles). I’ve started Half Marathon training on two prior occasions and pretty much bailed before the end of the first week, and only half-heartedly “trained” for that race subsequently.

March 80 Miles

April is going to be closer to 100 miles, so this slow build up in 2019 will be peaking next month… that starts with tomorrow!



Do you ever not do something, because you haven’t done it for a long time? I’m like that all the time… whether it’s calling friends, reading a decent book, returning to a great TV show I left half way through, or writing this blog.

Well, 2018 was a forgettable running year, easily my lowest mileage year since I started seriously in 2014, and only a handful of races under my belt.

Yearly Stats
Oh No You Didn’t…

OK so 2019, will you rescue me?

First stop is the Brooklyn Half in May this year. I’m using New York Road Runner’s Virtual Trainer which has me running a steady 4 times a week, loading up the miles slowly towards 30 miles per week. My estimated finish time at the moment is 1:53, but personally I am looking for a 1:40-something time. 1:49:59 would be bliss!

We’re in week 3, today was a ‘regular run’ with a target pace of 8:50 – 9:05. My mile splits were: 9:29, 9:02, 8:50, 8:16 (too fast), 8:34 for an average of 8:47 so just a little quicker than target.

I didn’t feel awesome, but it was mostly tiredness from work, not a feeling of being gassed. Tomorrow is an ‘as you feel’ run with no time target.

It’s good to be back.